forestcaver indeed, i also have a MIDI OUT cable from SEQ v4+ going back to LoopA, but it is currently primarily used to forward the MIDI data from my master keyboard (attached to SEQ v4+) to LoopA for recording.
In the past, I’ve used the SEQ v4+ as a clock master, too, which works well without recabling anything (just need to switch RX/TX MIDI clock hardware ports in SEQ v4+/LoopA config to switch the clock master device). For the moment i’m using LoopA as a clock master, because of its autoloop BPM calculation feature, but using the SEQ v4+ as clock master is just as good, of course.
To write it down, my full midiphy wiring setup is:
IN1: <- Master Keyboard
IN2: <- LoopA OUT1 (16 MIDI channels to drive 16 MIDI synths or eurorack voices)
IN3: <- LoopA OUT2 (another 16 MIDI channels to drive more synths/eurorack voices)
IN4/OUT4: <-> MatriX BLM1
OUT1: -> LoopA IN1 (primarily forwarding Master Keyboard MIDI data)
IIC1-4: Synthesizers (using MULTI THRU splitting)
OUT2-3: more Synthesizers (using MULTI THRU splitting)
LineTX: to Euroceiver for 8x CV-OUT/Gate-OUT, 8x Clocks, 8x Trigs
USB: to Mac M1 to be able to drive VSTs from the sequencers and to forward sequence data from the computer back to the synths or sequencers for recording
IN1: <- SEQ v4+ OUT1 (receiving Master Keyboard MIDI Data)
IN2: <- MIDI drum pad (to record drum sequences)
OUT1: -> SEQ v4+ IN2 (to send LoopA clip note/CC data to synthesizers/eurorack)
OUT2: -> SEQ v4+ IN3 (to send LoopA clip note/CC data to synthesizers/eurorack)
OUT3: MIDI clock out master channel (split by MIDI THRU, e.g. for pedals/drum machines with internal sequencer syncing to MIDI clock)
IN4/OUT4: <-> MatriX BLM2
BLM1: <-> SEQ v4+ BLM (IN4/OUT4)
BLM2: <-> LoopA BLM (IN4/OUT4)
I’m really happy to be able to sequence all the old synths without any more additionally required hardware and without the need to reconfigure MIDI cables all the time 🙂. A big thanks to @latigid on for creating all the required hardware for this!
Enjoy and many greets!