… i calculated of using the Wcore for my triggermatrix project, until i realized that the used STM32F407 VET6
has only 512KB, currently i use the DISC1 Board which has a STM32F407VGT6 which has 1024… my code uses 572kb of space.. and almost all off the ram -
the only alternative i saw was the Core407I from waveshare which uses a encreased Pin-Package (STM32F407IGT6) which sadly doesnt has the same Pinout on the Headers - and is much pricier.
would be cool to have an european-core pcb for a workhorse chip… thats a wish for Santa, Weihnachtsmann Christkindl die grüne fee 🎄 und alle guten geister.
Any sign of better (RAM, Flash) microcontrollers for midibox?