Hey, so i use the midiphy loopa as my brain for my lxr 02, micromonsta 2 and my beetlecrab tempera and ive had some issues with getting the tempera and the loopa to sync properly. Firmware is 2.10
I clock tested the loopa against the lxr 02 and the tempera. The lxr and tempera when started at the same time were in sync for over half an hour on their internal clocks with out any issues after wich i stopped my experiment. The loopa on the other hand got out of sync with the others after a little while (about 8 minuits for a 16th step shift). The tempera has some code for error corection for jittery clocks but in this case the clock of the midiphy loopa shifts over time super slightly and the tempera is not re adjusting to that. The people at beetlecrab willl reactivade an old code for error correction in the hopes that the issue will be fixed by doing that. Maybe there is a little bug in the loopa firmware?
I was wondering if you guys would have the time to test if the clock is actually putting out the bpm it says, i beleave that its just some decimal points faster or slower than it should be, i am no expert tho and there could be totally a nother reason why the setup is not working
The next day:
After some more testing it seems like the clock of the loopa when set on 120 bpm is actually something in between 119.9 and 120
I have tested the clock of my lxr, tempera and now i actually got my volca sample and my electribe 2 out of storage, with the same results, when started together on their internal clocks the tempera, lxr, volca, and e2 are staying synced, but the loopa always falls behind, after about 8 minuits the change is easyly audible, adjusting the bpm of the loopa to 120.1 and 119.9 showed an increas of the desyncronisation, but 119.9 was definetly getting out of sync slower than 120.1, wich leads me to beleave that the loopa when set to 120 flat is actually playing something between 119.9 and 120 bpm