Hi, welcome to the midiphy forum!
I would fully encourage people to ask questions and explore the possibilities of the SEQ v4+. We’re happy to help when we can!
For randomness:
Randomizer: fills the track with random values, which are seeded only once per press.
Euclid generator: rhythmic/evolving gate patterns
FX Humanizer: note/velocity/length variation (with degrees of difference from the original)
Track Direction: random direction, step or both
Parameter layer probability (configure in Event > Layer): the likelihood of this step playing
Trigger layer random gate: as it sounds!
Trigger layer random value: I think this is what you want!
You can have a mixture of random and “normal” by choosing the steps where random events occur.
For trig conditions, yes, you can use the Nth1 or Nth2 conditionals (configure in Event > Layer). This means each (or after) N bars, something happens, be it play, mute, accent, roll, FX on/off.
Hope it can help! Have fun with your sequencer!