@Synthfox - no problem, it makes sense that the LoopA mode does not show the symptoms, as on most pages it usually does not transmit the joystick position data as CC data but only moves the active window around. There’s also a bit of “deadband” configured, so that the window does not drift - this should filter the noise.
But you could check LoopAs “KEYS” page where you can map the joystick to output MIDI controls (i.e. pitchbend) and see if this also transmits a lot of messages?
For the SEQ v4+ mode, I’ll add a software filter and will let you know when the new version is available - this should help also for other users, that may be affected - in the end i think just something adds a little bit of noise on your ADC - it might be different cable lengths, a noisy PSU or some other unknown external factor.
In any case, you are right, this should not saturate the MIDI bus with CC messages, so i’ll target this as an important update and report back to you once i have the new version available.
Best regards,