Horacio I’ll make video for phrase (pattern) mode tonight.. I’ll link it in this thread.
hint-mutes don’t -really- save.. well, the saves don’t stick. But the mute page works well in phrase mode!
Yes a single complete manual would be great. Or a video (with time stamps!) that hits every menu page and explains all the options in each.
Until then we have the seq4 midibox pages which are great, and then the midibox wiki beginners guide. They complement each other, the beginners guide gets you into everything and then for more depth you can dig into the official midibox pages.
Also the follow-along tutorial guides on the midibox pages are great.
finally, reading through the midibox forum, following the development of v4, is a fascinating deep dive into what truly lies under the hood of the v4+ and how it developed. Much of this development is documented in the changelog, you can get some gold from that as well.
so yes, it’s all a bit scattered, but there’s a lot out there.
I printed out and got bound: beginners guide, Seq v4 user guide, user guide tutorials 1-6, and changelog. A big fat stack, good to randomly flip through.