Thanks for checking! I just revisited the BOM parts late last night and I think those are reflected in your list above?
All in all, the replacements should generally work but I have not tested anything and can’t offer any guarantees. I didn’t find replacements for IDC headers or pin headers. Shrouded headers can always be replaced by breakaway strips.
The trimmer pot is not used for OLED displays, so I decided to list it as DNF.
757-TBD62083AFWGEL would potentially replace the TBD62381 driver chip and is due to be restocked at the end of July. Otherwise, just consider having no activity matrix for the time being. Or if you are desparate, maybe it would work to bridge across the pads and have no sink driver. Pads 9/10 are the power supply and shouldn’t be bridged, but otherwise 1->18, 2->17 etc.
Have fun building!