Robert sounds great, thanks a lot!
While playing with the note replacement feature, i managed to squeeze some quite interesting sequences out of LoopA, can’t wait to add this to the MatriX on the free slots of the scale page! Yes, switching the replacement schemes will work while the sequencer engine is running 🙂.
In my tests, it often made sense to combine the note replacement feature with the FTS “Chromatic” scale (basically FTS is then disabled), so that every semitone gets replaced with its destination note, without the scaler interfering. But it is also good fun to use note replacement with the FTS-scaler adjusting the replaced notes afterwards, to e.g. a standard 7-tone scale.
Any format you provide is good, easiest would indeed be C arrays. It would be also very nice to add a name for the replacement scheme (up to 20 characters, can be futuristic or inventive) for future easier reidentification of the scheme, e.g.:
{“Harmonic Crush A”, +5, 0, -5, 0, +3, -2, +4, 0, -7, +3, 0, -1},
The first numeric value (after the name) defines the delta of semitones “added” to “C”, +5 semitones in this case, followed by eleven more delta values for all the semitones of that octave up to key “B” (“H” in german).
Best regards, thanks a lot for creating the replacement strategies and no rush!