LoopA firmware release v2.10 is finally out! Many thanks to everyone contributing ideas!
Yes, it includes a new and powerful song mode, have a look:
Robert as requested (and quite late, sorry!) we now have scale note replacement support - check out the new session fts note replacement feature - if you want to create a list of nice replacement patterns, we could add these as MatriX presets for the next MatriX firmware - thanks a lot! Also: check out white keys FTS mode! 🙂
talondnb song mode is here, finally! 🙂
@gwpt , @forestcaver and joshuaandrew tap-tempo support has been added, as well as eurorack gate-in support for tap-tempo, like this it should be possible to sync your LoopA to your modular system! 🙂
@safrosch LoopA song mode now has a pattern launch feature, which is very similar to your request to launch a full scene - with the cueing feature in song mode you can now launch “scenes” from their start - it’s explained in the video linked above
@schematicwizard we’ve now got the requested session safety confirmation (before destructive save/load/new operations), song mode and the screensaver should now start screensaving when a MIDI clock start packet is received
@autopoiesis as requested, an extension from 32 to 64 user instruments has been added 🙂
There’s also a widely improved CC remote control support, a configurable CC remote control port filter (to avoid CCs triggering unwanted activity on LoopA), a new triplet quantization feature and a new FTS “Scale 615 Schoenberg Hexachord”.
Hope you’ll all enjoy! 🙂
Best regards,
PS: footage from the video shoot: