Tom9000 That is something to try. Are the LEDs in series so if one is flubbed then it breaks the chain for the rest of the board?
Yes, the LEDs are driven with a serial protocol, so any breaks in the chain will prevent data flowing downstream.
If so that makes sense. I must have flubbed ones in the same general area on the board.
If they stop at exactly the same position on every neo68 board, I’d be very surprised, but it is not impossible I suppose. The data coming out of the LED is supposedly buffered/re-driven, so if a signal makes it to a few LEDs, it should reach all of them.
They look correctly oriented
Did you happen to check the LEDs before putting the keys on (build guide 3.12)? You probably won’t be able to see the notched pin/pad any longer after the solder has been applied.
but perhaps too much heat was applied. Is there a method to test an LED in place vs removing and replacing as I only have so many spares?
Could be, especially if some LEDs look a bit toasty brown. To copy (again…) from the guide, the following could have befallen your LED(s):
- Dead LED (remove and replace)
- Inverted polarity (remove and replace; the reversed polarity probably will have killed the LED)
- Input pins shorted (unbridge input side)
- Output pins of previous LED shorted (unbridge previous output side)
- Dry or missing solder joint (rework)
At least one of those has to be true: if it is shorted pins (you can test for a short circuit), then rework the joints, if it is dead or rotated, then replace the part. You’ll only see how many are dead once the chain gets going, and that is the easiest way to test.
My meter’s Diode test doesn’t seem to trigger any of them and I’m wary to try a coin battery test like the other LEDs unless that is recommended.
As they are data-driven RGB LEDs, a simple diode test won’t work in this situation.
Is there a way to bypass one perhaps for testing purposes? Maybe shunt something?
Theoretically you could bridge the data over, but I would tend not to suggest that at the risk of shorting outputs together or so.
Take my word for it 🙂, please try to touch up the pins and then swap out the LED that doesn’t light up.