because new heaven or mouser did not sell the new heaven displays to consumer/small electricans (get angry!)
and i couldnt spend 100€ for a small oled screen…
i tryd this:
but it did not worked (stay dark)… 29$ in the trash - however
for what i have to look when souring a alternativ display?
or is there some configuration file? (in mios studio, when typing help, there is a “read out config file” or something… — i gues this is not a hardware config file?)
by the way the display is regocnized from miosstudio, when uploading the bootloader and set ssd1306 as driver (i know that is not a ssd1306…) - but it is still dark.
should every SSD1322 screen with 256×64 with spi4/spi3 work?
or is on the new heaven something outstanding special?
thx for help